The first South African workshop on Ocean Energy with a focus on Wave and Ocean Current Energy was held in the Western Cape on Thursday, 21 February 2008 in the lovely settings of an African boma at the Spier Conference Centre.

The workshop was hosted by the Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies on behalf of the South African National Energy Research Institute (SANERI) and Eskom Research and Innovation Department (ERID).

Sixty delegates representing academia, the public and the private sector participated in the workshop. The outcome of the workshop saw the revival of a long dormant area of research and the creation of a community of researchers, private sector investor and developers; and government with the common goal to harvest energy from the oceans.

Participants of the workshop agreed on the short term action of establishing a network of ocean energy stakeholders with ongoing communication through a website and e-mail with regular workshops and conferences to interact. This led to the creation of the Ocean Energy Network of South Africa (OENoSA). The vision of OENoSA is to create awareness of the viability of ocean energy utilisation in South Africa. The network will also work together with the government and other role-players such as Eskom and NERSA to enable a regulatory environment.




Name Company Email Address Tel nr
Kubeshnie Bhugwandin Eskom BhugwaKE@eskom.co.za 011 629 5112
Thembakazi Mali SANEDI thembakazim@sanedi.org.za 010 201 4782
Wikus Van Niekerk University of Stellenbosch wikus@sun.ac.za 021 898 4251
Mike Roberts Ocean Africa mike@oceanafrica.com 082 496 4190
Portia Nemathithi Alstom portia.nemathithi@power.alstom.com 071 686 9999
Robbie Maartens   sunwindwave@gmail.com 082 804 5913
Jan Jooste   jan@enerqitech.com 083 626 7351
Josh Reinecke University of Stellenbosch joshreinecke@sun.ac.za 082 224 5498
Marlett Balmer GIZ marlett.balmer@diz.de 012 423 5981
Karen Surridge-Talbot SANEDI karenst@sanedi.org.za 010 201 4717

Minute of Meetings

15 January 2013
13 February 2013 4 June 2013



If you want to add your name to the list or change your details please send an email to: crses@sun.ac.za

Name & Surname Organisation Tel nr Email Address Website address Field of Interest
Doug Da Costa Energen International 031 569 2116 doug@springmaster.co.za www.energeninternational.com Wave energy
Fred d'Almaine Durban University of Technology 031 373 2745 dalmaine@dut.ac.za   Ocean Currents
Rhydar Harris Private 084 206 2423 rharris@prdw.co.za www.prdw.co.za WEC device design and resourse modelling
James Joubert Stellenbosch University 072 639 2107 joubertj@sun.ac.za   Wave energy
Gavin Lloyd Lloyd & Hill 021 686 7500 office@lloydhill.co.za   Ocean Current Turbines
Anton Louw   072 430 6560 louw.anton@gmail.com   Marine Ecology and Economics
Brian Mackenzie RJW Engineering cc 043 736 2980 brianimakenzie1@gmail.com   Ocean Currents
Andrew Minnaar WSP Consulting Engeneering 021 481 8700 andrew.minnaar@wspgroup.co.za www.wspgroup.co.za Refrigeration / Energy / Renewable & Sustainablity
Philip Ypung WSP Consulting Engeneering 021 481 8700 yngphi007@gmail.com www.wspgroup.co.za Refrigeration / Energy / Renewable & Sustainablity
Martin Molteno HG Molenaar & Co PTY ltd 021 868 2210 martinmolteno@gmail.com www.hgmolenaar.co.za SWEC Development and improvement
Kenneth Pedersen Prestedge Retief Dresner 021 418 3830 kpedersen@prdw.co.za www.prdw.co.za Wave energy
G. de F. Retief Individual   deon@nutwood.co.za   Wave energy / Ocean Engineering
Mark A. Thomas Independent Natural Resources, Inc. (INRI) 001-952-920-8035 mark@inri.us   SEADOG Pump wave energy conversion device developer
Wikus van Niekerk Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies 021 808 4251 wikus@sun.ac.za www.crses.sun.ac.za Wave energy: Conversion, Project Development and Implementation
Thembakazi Mali Senior Manager: Clean Energy Solutions 011 280 0440 thembakazim@sanedi.org.za www.sanedi.org.za Clean Energy Solutions
Kubeshni Bhugwadin Strategy & Research Manager (Acting) 011 629 5112 bhugwake@eskom.co.za www.eskom.co.za Renewable Energy
Karen Surridge-Talbot Centre Manager: Record, SANEDI 010 201 4771 karenst@sanedi.org.za www.record.org.za Renewable Energy
Robbie Maartens SunWindWave 082 804 5913 sunwindwave@gmail.com    
Reg Friedenthal SunWindWave 076 782 1158 sunwindwave@gmail.com    
Tamaryn Morris Ocean Africa 082 509 1719 tammy@oceanafrica.com    
Paul Moxley Private 079 883 5878 paul@propfintrust.co.za   Ocean Energy
Mxolisi Thobela Independent Inventor 072 844 0967 thbmxo001@myuct.ac.za   Renewable Energy
John Godsiff Independent Inventor 079 513 0577 jgodsiff@telkomsa.net    
Peter Jordaan Gaia Power 082 855 4793 peter@gaiaspower.com    
Ken Lewis Sea Renewable Energy 083 452 1199 klewis@sableab.com    
Wimpie Van Rooy Eskom 084 557 0985 vrooywl@eskom.co.za    
Naim Rassool TIA 021 442 3630 naim.rassool@tia.org.za    
Mike Roberts Centre for Operational & Observational Oceanography 082 496 4190 mike@oceanafrica.com www.cfoo.co.za All forms of ocean energy
Theo von Backström Stellenbosch University 021 808 4267 twvb@sun.ac.za    
Len Stevens   082 738 1246 lenstevens@telkomsa.net    
Portia Nemathithi Alstom 071 686 9999 portia.nemathithi@power.alstom.com    
Ian Alers Parsec Aero 082 891 2571 ian.alers@alum.mit.edu    
Becker van Niekerk Marenco Engineering Technologies Africa Pty Ltd 083 458 0021 beckermom@gmail.com    
Wilhelm Karantch Andritz 082 451 2227 wilhelm.karanitsch@andritz.com    
Padhraic O' Connor CSIR Stellenbosch 021 888 2451 poconnor@csir.co.za   Ocean Energy Devices & Physical Model Testing
Jan Jooste Enerqitech 083 626 7351 jan@enerqitech.com    
Josh Reinecke Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies 082 224 5498 joshreinecke@sun.ac.za   Ocean Current Turbines
Marius Rossouw CSIR Stellenbosch 021 888 2513 mrossouw@csir.co.za   Storm prediction, forecasting, ocean energy, sea level rise
Burkhard Meyer Renewables and Wave Energy Technologies Pty(Ltd) 082 597 9600 burkhard@rewet.co.za or burkhard.meier@gmail.com   Ocean Wave Energy
Steven McGlyn Sillito Environmental Consulting 021 712 5060 steven@environmentalconsultants.co.za     www.environmentalconsultants.co.za    Ocean Wave Energy
Colin Hundermark Independent Consultant 011 781 1358 colin.hundermark@gmail.com   Renewable Energy & Ocean Current Turbines
Neil Parker TradeWind Energy (Pty) Ltd 076 589 45042 neil@tradewindenergy.co.za   Ocean Energy & Hybrid Energy systems



Prof Wikus van Niekerk
Tel: +27 21 808 4251
Fax: +27 21 883 8513
E-mail: wikus@sun.ac.za

Dr Thembakazi N. Mali
Senior Manager: Clean Energy Solutions
Tel: +27 11 280 0440
Fax: +27 11 280 0562
E-mail: ThembakaziM@SANEDI.ORG.ZA

Ms. Kubeshnie Bhugwandin
Acting Renewables Manager
Eskom Technology Division Research & Development
Tel: +27 11 629 5717
Fax: +27 86 656 4002

Ocean Energy Network
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Stellenbosch University
Private Bag X1

Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies
4th Floor Knowledge Centre
Corner of Banghoek and Joubert Street